Trial Requirements

Trial Requirements

Before you can start the trial procedure, you need to verify that you have the following:

  • Dev toolchain to accelerate - the dev toolchain you wish to accelerate should be able to execute multiple processes in parallel.

    Note: This option is available in most common dev toolchains, such as: Visual Studio, CMake, Ninja, and others.

  • Environment:

    • Participating machines

      • Minimum of 8 machines with SDD, and OS that is Windows 7 and higher, or Windows Server 2008 and higher.

      • Recommended 16 GB RAM per machine.

      • One machine out of the 8 machines should have the ability to execute the selected dev process.

    • Network:

      • Ports – several ports need to be open for the operation of IncrediBuild Environment. The default TCP ports for one remote Agent with one core are: 31104, 31105, and 31106. For each additional core, add a port in a consecutive order. For example, for 3 additional cores, the following ports should be open: 31107, 31108, 31109
        Important! You need to verify that your organization firewall is not blocking the allocated ports, and that no other product or application is using them.

      • Network speed – 1000 Mbps and higher.

  • User Permissions - Administrator permissions are required for installing IncrediBuild Coordinator.

  • Antivirus – the following should be excluded from the active antivirus:

    • IncrediBuild installation folder.

    • On the Initiating machine, the folder of the source code that will be executed in this trial.

    • For Visual Studio – when using IncrediBuild with Visual Studio, it is recommended to exclude Visual Studio installation folder. If the entire folder is not excluded, it is mandatory to exclude the following Visual Studio executables: 'devenv.exe', 'devenv.com', and 'MSBuild.exe'.

  • Logs and Remote Session - ability to send logs to IncrediBuild, and to share with IncrediBuild the Initiator host screen through an online remote session for troubleshooting purposes, if needed.

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