When uninstalling IncrediBuild Linux, you need to separately uninstall each IncrediBuild component – Coordinator and Agents - from the machine on which the component is installed. The uninstall command is the same for all components.

The uninstall procedure removes the installed components, services, cache, build history, and all-other related material that is connected to IncrediBuild Linux. 

You need root user permissions to uninstall IncrediBuild Linux.

> To uninstall IncrediBuild Linux:

  1. In the machine that has an installed component, open the terminal and enter:

    sudo /opt/incredibuild/management/uninstall.sh

  2. If you are prompt to enter your password, enter it.

    The uninstall process begins.
    When all the required services and data are removed, the uninstall process ends automatically.


    Stopping incredibuild: ...
    Stopping incredibuild_babysit: OK
    Stopping incredibuild_helper: OK
    Stopping incredibuild_server: OK
    Stopping incredibuild_coordinator: OK
    Stopping incredibuild_watchdog: OK
    Stopping incredibuild_upgrade: OK
    Stopping incredibuild_httpd: OK
    Stopping incredibuild: done
    Removed /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/incredibuild.service.
    Removed /etc/systemd/system/default.target.wants/incredibuild.service.

Installing IncrediBuild Linux:

IncrediBuild Linux Guide: