Version Highlights

IncrediBuild for Unit Tests acceleration (beta)

IncrediBuild are proud to announce IncrediBuild for Unit Tests acceleration (beta). IncrediBuild for Unit Tests enables parallel execution of unit test processes across any number of local and remote CPU cores without the need to allocate dedicated machines. In addition, there is no need to install testing environments on each participating machine.

IncrediBuild supports the following frameworks NUnit, MSTest, VSTest, XUnit, Google Test (Gtest), CppUTest, QTtest, CTest.

You can find more information in the website and in the appropriate user manual section.

IncrediBuild for Unit Tests is offered as Beta, Contact us at to take part in the Beta program.

Tasks to only fail locally

A major change was made to the default way in which IncrediBuild executes tasks. Henceforward, tasks that are running remotely and finish with an exit code that is different than 0, will be re-executed on the local machine for additional verification.

This feature can be configured through the “AgentSettings->Initiator->Advanced->Recovery” section.

support for .proj and .target files

IncrediBuild's BuildConsole command now supports the ability to compile Visual Studio and MSBuild .proj and .target files.

More in this Version

IncrediBuild Enterprise Edition


Visual Studio

Unreal Engine Integration
