Version Highlights

This version of IncrediBuild certifies Visual Studio version 15.8.2

IncrediBuild’s predictive execution for optimized compilation performance certifies MSBuild version up to

Improved support for distributing DirectX-related processes to remote machines

In this version of IncrediBuild, we’ve enhanced the IncrediBuild virtualization engine to cover many various aspects of the ability to remotely execute processes that are using DirectX. Many IncrediBuild users are highly accelerating home-grown and commercial graphic-related executions using the various IncrediBuild integration options.


Accelerate VSTest unit test executions (Beta)

This version of IncrediBuild introduces a beta feature for users with time-consuming VSTest executions, which allows to distribute and highly accelerate VSTest executions.

At this stage, only command-line VSTest executions are supported. For assistance executing your VSTests using continuous integration tools or through the command line, please contact us at and we’ll be glad to help you with accelerating your test cycles.

Learn how NCR and ModuleWorks achieved better productivity and faster time-to-market by accelerating their test cycles with IncrediBuild.

Windows Core OS (Experimental)

Improved support for IncrediBuild Agents running within Windows Core OS hosts

Windows Docker Containers (Experimental)

Various fixes related to working with IncrediBuild within Windows Docker Containers

IncrediBuild Enterprise Edition

If you are using TeamCity for your continuous integration, we have some good news for you. With this new IncrediBuild extension for TeamCity, users can create and execute IncrediBuild build steps seamlessly from within TeamCity using a convenient standard TeamCity UX.

Visual Studio & MSBuild

IncrediBuild’s predictive execution considers compilation tasks with the /e flag as blocking other dependent tasks from being executed in a predictive, parallel manner. This may result in sequential execution of Cuda compilation tasks (which is the default behavior in Visual Studio). With this new feature, users can experiment whether performance can be improved by forcing the IncrediBuild predictive execution to operate in these scenarios. In order to achieve this behavior, a registry value should be created on the Initiator machine:

Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Xoreax\IncrediBuild\Builder

String Value: AllowPredictedInPreprocessCL

Set this registry string value to “1” to enable predicted for CL tasks with /E parameter
