From Version 3.8.3, Incredibuild supports having two types of user views for Agent User Interface:

User authentication is disabled by default - while “list” is empty, the feature is disabled

Guest view Details:

Logging into agent’s UI is possible as an authenticated user (having a username and password) or as a guest. Authenticated users can perform any UI operation available. Guests are able to make “view only” operations. The following action are disabled/made invisible in the UI for guests:
a. “Action” in the Coordinator monitor (“Subscribe”, “Unsubscribe” etc. menu)
b. “Coordinator Settings” button in the Coordinator monitor.
c. “Agent Settings” button in every agent.
d. “Action->History” in the “Build History” table (“Delete”, “Toggle Auto-Delete”, “Export Logs” menu)
e. “Stop Build” button when showing the Build Monitor bars.