If you want to initialize an additional process once IncrediBuild container is launched, you can add to the IncrediBuild docker run command the initialization command and arguments of the process. Such a process can be, for example, building a solution, running a script, starting a server, and others. Once IncrediBuild container will be launched, the specified processes will be executed.
You can only add one additional process to IncrediBuild docker run command. If you want to initialize multiple processes upon the IncrediBuild container launch, use a script to bundle these processes.
You can also initialize IncrediBuild BuildConsole.exe and IBConsole.exe, since IncrediBuild Setup file installs these tools as well, and IncrediBuild installation directory is automatically added to the PATH environment variable.
> To add an additional process to IncrediBuild docker run command:
In IncrediBuild docker run command, add the initialization command and arguments of the additional process AFTER the specified IncrediBuild image.
For example, to build a solution once IncrediBuild container is launched, you can add the following additional commands to the docker run command:
docker run --cpus 4 -e Coordinator= IncrediBuild1 -e CoordinatorPort=31104 -e BuildServicePort=31105 -e BuildHelperPort=31106 -it -p 31105:31105/tcp -p 31106-31109:31106-31109/tcp incredibuild:9.4.6 MSBuild.exe MySolution.sln /t:rebuild /v:q