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The settings of your IncrediBuild Cloud solution are configured in the Settings page. Theses settings consist of the following sections:

Table of Contents


Note: This picture displays the Settings page of IncrediBuild-AWS integration. The Settings page of IncrediBuild-Azure integration includes several different fields.

General Settings






First Name/Last Name


Your first and last name.




Your email address. This email will be used by IncrediBuild for confirmations, notifications, and assistance. 


Company Name


Your company name.

Resource Management

The Resource Management settings are different for AWS and Azure.







Cloud Region


AWS region where the VMs will run. In this region, the pool and additional Helper VMs will be created. It is recommended to select the same region for the Initiating VMs and the pool and Helper VMs, in order to avoid network latency. 




[Optional] AWS custom tags that will be added automatically to the following resources, which that are created by IncrediBuild on AWS:

  • Virtual Machines

  • VPC

  • Subnet

  • Role

You can add up to 5 custom tags, by defining for each tag a name:value pair. For more information on resource tagging in AWS, see:

To find Your Machine cost by using the Tags, you must enable the "cost allocation tags," and after the machine usage, navigate to the Cost Explorer, see:


Use Private Network


[Optional] This option enables you to use a Virtual Private Network on the cloud for launching and running Helper VMs, thus adding another layer of security for your transferred data.

Important! To use this option, you must already have a private network on AWS.

Your Coordinator host should be connected to the private network as follows:

  • If your Coordinator is not on the cloud, the Coordinator host must be connected to the cloud private network via VPN.

  • If your Coordinator is on the cloud, its host must have access to the selected subnet. 

Once you enable the Use Private Network option, in addition to the other parameters described above, you need to set the following:

  • VPC – select the VPC in which the VMs for acceleration will be launched. 

  • Subnet – select or create a subnet in the selected VPC. To create a new subnet, select from the drop-down list the Create new subnet option.

For Azure






Tenant ID


Your Azure tenant ID.




Your Azure subscription name.


Cloud Region


Azure region where the VMs will run. In this region, the pool and additional Helper VMs will be created. It is recommended to select the same region for the Initiating VMs and the pool and Helper VMs, in order to avoid network latency. 


Resource Group Name


[Optional] Customization of the name of the default resource group. All the resources that are created by IncrediBuild Cloud for build acceleration, belong to one resource group. You can change the default name of this resource group before activating the solution.

If you do not add a customized name for the resource group and leaves this field empty, IncrediBuild Cloud will use a default value, which includes your Coordinator ID.




[Optional] Azure custom tags that will be added automatically to the following resources that are created by IncrediBuild on Azure:

  • Virtual Machines

  • Disk Drives

  • Network Interfaces

  • Public IP Addresses

You can add up to 5 custom tags, by defining for each tag a name:value pair. For more information on resource tagging in Azure, see:

Note: All Azure cloud resources that are created by IncrediBuild include "cloud" in their name.


Use Private Network


[Optional] This option enables you to use a Virtual Private Network on the cloud for launching and running Helper VMs, thus adding another layer of security for your transferred data.

Important! To use this option, you must already have a private network on Azure.

Your Coordinator host should be connected to the private network as follows:

  • If your Coordinator is not on the cloud, the Coordinator host must be connected to the cloud private network via VPN.

  • If your Coordinator is on the cloud, its host must have access to the selected subnet. 

Once you enable the Use Private Network option, in addition to the other parameters described above, you need to set the following:

  • Resource Group – select one of the existing resources groups in the selected Cloud Region.

  • Network - select the private network in which the VMs for acceleration will be launched.

  • Subnet - select or create a subnet in the selected private network. To create a new subnet, select from the drop-down list the Create new subnet option.







VM Type


The type of the VMs that will serve as Helper Agents.


VM Idle Timeout (seconds)


The number of seconds that need to pass after a VM has finished executing a task, before it is automatically deactivated.

For example, if the value of the Time Out is 500 seconds, 500 seconds after a VM no longer participates in a task, it will be deactivated. Deactivation of a VM in this context means that a VM can either return to the pool in a Sleep state, or be terminated completely. The VM will return to the pool if the pool is not full at that moment. If the pool is full, the VM will be terminated.

  • The default value is 500 seconds.

  • The minimum value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

  • The maximum value is 43200 seconds (720 minutes).


Total Cores Limit

The maximum number of cores on the cloud that can be allocated to the execution of tasks, following the requests of the Coordinator. For example, it the value of the Total Cores Limit is 50, and the Coordinator requests 60 cores for the execution of running tasks, only 50 cores will be allocated.


Total Cores Limit value ≥ No. of VMs in Pool value X the number of cores of your selected VM Type.

For example, if the value of the No. of VMs in Pool is 10, and you selected a VM Type of 2 cores, the value of the Total Cores Limit must be at least 20.

By default, when the Coordinator receives a request from the Initiator for available cores, it determines how many cores are required for the optimal running of the specific task. Then, it tries to provide cores from Helper Agents that were manually installed using the Installation wizard and directly connected to the Coordinator port. If there are not enough available cores on these standard Helpers, and IncrediBuild Cloud is activated, the Coordinator automatically turns to the cloud in search for available cores. If the requests for cores exceed the value of the Total Cores Limit, the execution of the new tasks will be delayed until free cores will be available.  


No. of VMs in Pool

The number of VMs that will be created for IncrediBuild Cloud pool, and will be moved automatically into a Sleep state. After their creation, these VMs are not automatically used by the Coordinator, but they can start to work immediately as Helpers upon the Coordinator request.



  • When setting the pool size you should take into consideration the costs involved in keeping VMs in a Sleep state – both for your cloud provider and IncrediBuild licenses.

  • If all the VMs in the pool are used for executing tasks, and additional requests for available cores are received, IncrediBuild Cloud will launch new VMs to accommodate the requests. However, the number of new launched VMs will be limited by the value of the Total Cores Limit you set, your cloud quota limit, and the number of IncrediBuild licenses you have.  

Recommendations for Selecting Helper Machines on the Cloud

In sum, the recommendations for the selection and configuration of cloud machines that will serve as Helpers are as follows:

  1. For Helper VMs, use a VM Type with a high number of CPU cores.

  2. When configuring IncrediBuild Cloud solution, verify that your pool size is large enough to include all the Helper VMs that you will want to use for accelerating your tasks, in order to avoid cache loss.

In detail, the recommendations are as follows:

  1. VM Type – for machines that will function solely as Helpers, use VMs with a high number of CPU cores, such as 32 or 64 cores.
    Note: Machines that will function solely as Initiators, can have a small number of cores.  

    • VMs with a high number of CPU cores improve performance, since their cache reduces the required number of file sync iterations.  

    • [For IncrediBuild Cloud solution only] VMs with a high number of CPU cores save storage costs when these machines are in a Sleep mode in the pool, in comparison to many VMs with a smaller number of cores that together provide the same number of cores. 

  2. Number of VMs in the pool - all VMs that function solely as Helpers should be in the pool to avoid cache loss.
    To apply this recommendation, in the Settings page of your IncrediBuild Cloud solution, verify the following:
    Total Cores Limit value = No. of VMs in Pool value X the number of cores of your selected VM Type.
    This will ensure that every VM that will be launched for your tasks will be included in the pool allocation.
    For example, if you selected a VM Type that has 32 cores, and you want to use at the most 160 cores, specify 5 VMs for the No. of VMs in Pool:

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    If you set a higher value in the Total Cores Limit field, it means that if your tasks will require more Helper cores than the ones that are in the pool, additional VMs will be launched for these tasks. However, once the tasks will be completed, these additional VMs will be terminated and their cache will be lost.







Coordinator Port No.


The port no. of the Coordinator. This port will be used by the VMs that are running as Helpers on the cloud to communicate with the Coordinator. This Coordinator port no. must be the same as the Coordinator Service port in the Coordinator Settings.

The default value of the Coordinator Port No. is 31105.


  • Verify that the Coordinator Port No. you specified is open for external traffic in your organization firewall. 

  • The value of the Coordinator Port No. cannot be included in the value scope of the VM Port Range.


VM Port Range


The first port no. of the port range that is assigned to the cores of a VM.

The default TCP ports for one Helper Agent with one core are: 31105 and 31106. Each participating core needs a port to connect to the Coordinator. Therefore, for each additional core on a VM, another port is added in a consecutive order. For example, for 3 additional cores, the following ports should be open: 31107, 31108, 31109.

The range includes additional consecutive port numbers, starting from the port no. that is entered here. For example, if the value of the VM Port Range is 100, and you are using VMs with 46 cores, the port range will be 100-146, one port for each core with an additional one port. When IncrediBuild will create the VMs on the cloud, it will automatically open available ports in the range.

The default value of the VM Port Range is 31106.


  • IncrediBuild Cloud supports VMs with up to 64 cores. 

  • IncrediBuild Cloud does not check the availability of the ports. If the ports in your port range are already in use by your system, the VM cores will not be able to participate in the solution. Therefore, it is important to verify that you are assigning available ports.  
