The xgSubmit.exe tool is used to submit tasks to the IncrediBuild Grid Engine. Submitted tasks are queued for execution and executed on either a remote or local CPU, as soon as one becomes available. Each submitted task can be assigned a group identifier using the /group argument. Tasks of the group are executed in parallel by IncrediBuild. xgWait.exe can be used throughout the script to pause execution until all tasks with a given group identifier have completed. Note that the purpose of the group identifier is only to group a set of submitted tasks; it is NOT related in any way to Coordinator Build Groups.
xgSubmit.exe can be used to submit a single task or a set of tasks specified in a command file (for better performance when submitting a large group of tasks).
The following syntax is used in running xgSubmit:
xgSubmit [/group=<Group Identifier>] [/wait] /allowremote=[allow_remote] [/caption] /commandfile <Path to Command File> /command <Original Command line>
The identifier of the Group to which this task belongs to. If no Group identifier is given, the submitted task will belong to the default Group.
When specified, xgSubmit only returns control to the script when the submitted command has completed execution.
Specifies whether remote processing is possible.
on: The submitted task may be distributed to a remote Agent.
off: The submitted task runs on the machine that initiated the Execution/Job, and is not distributed to a remote Agent.
When used, the specified caption appears as the caption for the submitted tasks's progress bar in the Execution Monitor Progress page.
Should always be specified last, followed by the path to the file containing the commands to be submitted.
xgWait.exe /all is implicitly called at the end of the script/application's execution, in order to allow all tasks submitted with xgSubmit.exe to complete before returning control to the initiating Agent.
If a command file is not specified, the original command should be specified.
This syntax is used to submit a single task to the Grid Engine queue. The usage syntax is:
Note: The "/command" argument should always be specified last, followed by the command line to be submitted for execution.
The arguments are:
- /group
- /wait
- /allowremote=[on|off]
- /caption
See explanations in above table.
This syntax can be used for better performance when submitting a large set of tasks belonging to the same task group. A command file containing the command lines to be submitted separated by a newline character is given as input. xgSubmit.exe then reads and submits the commands specified in the command file. The usage syntax is:
Note: The "/commandfile" argument should always be specified last, followed by the path to the file containing the commands to be submitted.
- /group
- /wait
- /allowremote=[on|off]