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The following options are included in the Coordinator Settings dialog box > Agent Assignment section:
Minimal RequirementsCPU UsageMinimal available CPU level for assignmentDetermines the minimal free CPU level necessary for an Agent to participate in remote builds. For example, if set to 30%, the Agent will participate as a resource in remote builds only when tasks currently running in the machine are taking up less than 70% of the machine's CPU power. Disk SpaceMinimal free disk spaceDetermines the minimal free disk space required on an Agent machine in order for it to participate in remote builds. MemoryMinimal free virtual memoryDetermines the minimal free virtual memory required on an Agent machine in order for it to participate in remote builds. Minimal free physical memoryDetermines the minimal free physical memory required on an Agent machine in order for it to participate in remote builds. CPU AvailabilityThis is useful when IncrediBuild is installed alongside other applications that utilize idle CPU time (such as the SETI@home project). Agent CPU Availability CalculationProcesses specified in this list are ignored when IncrediBuild evaluates Agents' current availability. To configure IncrediBuild to run alongside an application that uses idle CPU time, all processes related to this application should be added to this list. All changes made to this list apply to all Agents. The following buttons are available:
AdvancedBuild OptionsAllow up to X CPUs/cores to participate in a buildSets the highest number of CPUs/cores that will be allowed to participate in a build. Increasing this number may provide slightly better results in environments with fast networks and strong computers. Similarly, when operating in an environment with slower networks or weaker machines, decreasing this number may improve results. |